IP Security

Better safe than sorry

The Importance of IP Security

IP security is the practice of protecting networks and systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. IP whitelisting, also known as allowlisting, is a security measure that allows only trusted IP addresses to access a network or system while blocking all others. In the context of GPTBoost, there are two options that you can use to leverage the security of your LLM-powered application.

  • Allow Only Given IPs - The Allow Only IPs policy allows teams to specify a list of IP addresses that are allowed to make requests to the LLM.

  • Block Only Given IPs - On the flip side Block Only IPs policy allows teams to specify a list of IP addresses that are blocked from making requests to the LLM.

These IP security policies play pivotal roles in regulatory compliance, data protection, and network efficiency. They provide you with the means to create robust and efficient security measures, ensuring that your digital space remains safe and resilient.

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